Books - "anthropology"
Showing 201 to 220 of 2088 results.
Australasian Connections and New Directions; Proceeding of the 7th Australaisian Archaeometry Conference
small folio softcover 477pp ills.[b/w] VG
PUBLISHER: department of anthropology auckland university auckland 2001
KEYWORDS: anthropology history archaeometry
Forgetting Aborigines
first edition 250pp ills.[b/w] Nr FINE octavo softcover
PUBLISHER: unsw press sydney 2008
KEYWORDS: history anthropology aborigines chris healy australia
Women and Men; An Anthropologist's View
paperback (near new); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost
PUBLISHER: holt, rinehart and winston
KEYWORDS: specials anthropology sociology sexuality ernestine friedl
Reimagination of the World; A Critique of the New Age, Science, and Popular Culture
paperback (near new); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost
PUBLISHER: bear and company
KEYWORDS: specxials new age philosophy science culture anthropology sociology david spangler william irwin thompson
People and Environment
paperback (near new); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost
PUBLISHER: ubc press
KEYWORDS: specials environment sociology anthropology stephen morse michael stocking
Grasping the Changing World; Anthropological Concepts in the Postmodern Era
paperback (near new); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost
PUBLISHER: routledge
KEYWORDS: specials science anthropology sociology vaclav hubinger
Our Common Future; The World Commission on Environment and Development
paperback (near new); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost
KEYWORDS: specials science environment anthropology sociology
Fighting For the Rain Forest; War, Youth and Resources in Sierra Leone
paperback (near new); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost
PUBLISHER: international african institute
KEYWORDS: specials environment science anthropology rain forest sierra leone activism politics
Political Systems of Highland Burma
A Study of Kachin Social Structure
paperback (very good); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost
PUBLISHER: athlone press
KEYWORDS: specials anthropology politics burma e r leach
Getting There; Steps to a Green Society
paperback (near new); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost
PUBLISHER: green print
KEYWORDS: specials environment science sociology politics anthropology
Landscape; Politics and Perspectives
softcover xi + 351pp illus VG+ (a couple of sl pencil marginalia)
PUBLISHER: berg oxford 1995
KEYWORDS: politics history anthropology sociology barbara bender
Sociology, Environmentalism, Globalization; Reinventing the Globe
large format softcover x + 161pp Near Fine (sl fading to spine)
PUBLISHER: sage publications london 1996
KEYWORDS: science anthropology sociology globalization politics environment steven yearley
Contemporary Futures; Perspectives from Social Anthropology
ASA Monographs 30
large format softcover xi + 231pp Near Fine (sl soiling to foredge)
PUBLISHER: routledge london 1992
KEYWORDS: anthropology sociology sandra wallman
Fish Versus Oil; Resources and Rural Development in North Atlantic Societies
large format softcover ix + 197pp map & diagrams Near Fine (light crease at spine)
PUBLISHER: memorial university of newfoundland st johns 1986
KEYWORDS: science fish marine aquaculture agriculture north atlantic anthropology sociology environment j d house
Ecology, Policy and Politics
Human Well-Being and the Natural World
softcover x + 227pp Near Fine (a couple of light pencil marginalia)
PUBLISHER: routledge london 1993
KEYWORDS: science ecology environment natural history anthropology sociology john o'neill
Conversations in Colombia; The Domestic Economy in Life and Text
large format softcover x + 207pp Near Fine
PUBLISHER: cambridge university press cambridge 1994
KEYWORDS: sociology colombia south america history economics anthropology stephen gudeman alberto rivera
The Anthropology of Power; Empowerment and Disempowerment in Changing Structures
softcover large format x + 213pp Near Fine (sl bend)
PUBLISHER: routledge london 1999
KEYWORDS: anthropology politics sociology angela cheater
Contested Natures
large format softcover viii +307pp illus Near Fine
PUBLISHER: sage publications london 1998
KEYWORDS: anthropology science natural history sociology environment phil macnaghten john urry
Liberation Ecologies; Environment, Development, Social Movements
large format softcover xii + 273pp Near Fine
PUBLISHER: routledge london 1996
KEYWORDS: anthropology sociology environment ecology richard peet michael watts
Risk, Environment and Modernity; Towards a New Ecology
large format softcover ix + 294pp Near Fine
PUBLISHER: sage publications london 1996
KEYWORDS: ecology environment anthropology sociology scott lash brian wynne bronislaw szerszynski