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Books - "anthropology"

Showing 801 to 820 of 2075 results.


The Maoris of New Zealand


softcover super octavo (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.

PUBLISHER: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1976

KEYWORDS: specials Joan Metge new zealand maori anthropology


The Canadian Indian: A History Since 1500


hardcover super octavo (VG+) in d/w (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.

PUBLISHER: Collier-Macmillan 1972

KEYWORDS: specials E Palmer Patterson II history native canadian indian anthropology


The Meaning of Water


Inscribed & signed, super octavo, illus light card covers, ix + 274pp, nr fine (label residue stain to front cover)

PUBLISHER: Berg 2004

KEYWORDS: signed Veronica Strang New Zealand water ownership public policy politics ecology commodities profit anthropology environment


Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific


Softcover octavo (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.

PUBLISHER: Natural History Press 1968

KEYWORDS: specials Andrew P Vayda anthropology Pacific islands culture history articles anthology


The Barbarians of Asia

The Peoples of the Steppes from 1600 B.C.


Octavo hardcover (VG+) in d/w (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs

PUBLISHER: Barnes & Noble 1995

KEYWORDS: specials Stuart Legg Asia Asian history anthropology


Krishna: Myths, Rites, and Attitudes


Octavo softcover (VG-); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs

PUBLISHER: University of Chicago Press 1968

KEYWORDS: specials Milton Singer Daniel HH Ingalls Krishna India poetry legend myth Gokula-a religion anthropology


Mary Douglas Collected Works Volume X: Constructive Drinking: Perspectives on Drink from Anthropology


Octavo, blue boards with gilt lettering to spine & front board, ix + 291pp. Fine

PUBLISHER: Routledge 2003

KEYWORDS: Mary Douglas drinking alcohol anthropology anthology essays articles


Powers of the Secular Modern: Talal Asad and His Interlocutors


Super octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Stanford University Press 2006

KEYWORDS: specials David Scott Charles Hirschkind Talal Asad social science anthropology essays articles religion


Flexible Citizenship - the cultural Logics of Transnationality


softcover octavo (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.

PUBLISHER: Duke University Press 1999

KEYWORDS: specials culture citizenship aihwa ong anthropology asia pacific


Unstructuring Chinese Society: The Fictions of Colonial Practice ad the Changing Realities of 'Land in the New Territories of Hong Kong


Super octavo, lavendar light card covers with white lettering to spine, xv + 2pp maps + 348pp, nr fine (v slight creasing to front cover lower corer)

PUBLISHER: Routledge 2002

KEYWORDS: Allen Chun China Hong Kong Chinese colonial history anthropology history cluture politics ethnology


Home Away From Home

Life Stories of Chinese Women in New Zealand


softcover imperial octavo (nr fine); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: New Women's Press 1990

KEYWORDS: specials Manying Ip new zealand chinese anthropology sociology women's studies


Re-Inventing Japan: Time, Space, Nation


softcover super octavo (nr fine); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: M E Sharpe 1998

KEYWORDS: specials Tessa Morris-Suzuki japan japanese history culture sociology anthropology


The World's Landscapes: 1. China


softcover octavo (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Longman 1970

KEYWORDS: specials Yi-Fu Tuan china geography anthropology


From the South Pacific: Profiles in Human Experience


Imperial octavo softcover (VG-); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: University of the South Pacific 1980

KEYWORDS: specials Robert A Stewart South Pacific Fiji culture sociology anthropology tradition memoirs anthology essays


Family Life in Western Societies: A Historical Sociology of Family Relationships in Britain and North America


softcover super octavo (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press 1987

KEYWORDS: specials J E Goldthorpe sociology history anthropology family


The Protestant Ethnic & The Spirit of Capitalism


Softcover imperial octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Colombia University Press 2002

KEYWORDS: specials Rey Chow anthropology ethnology capitalism politics culture


Histoire de la Chine et de la civilisation chinoise


Softcover imperial octavo (VG) TEXT IN FRENCH ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Payot 1949

KEYWORDS: specials Tsui Chi history China Asian Chinese civilization culture anthropology TEXT IN FRENCH


Natural Symbols

Explorations in Cosmology


Softcover super octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Routledge 2002

KEYWORDS: specials Mary Douglas anthropology religion sociology human body mythology ritual symbolism


The Closed Circle

An Interpretation of the Arabs


First edition Hardcover imperial octavo (VG) in d/w (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: George Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1989

KEYWORDS: first edition specials David Pryce-Jones Middle East history culture anthropology society


Implicit Meanings

Selected Essays in Anthropology


Softcover imperial octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Routledge 1999

KEYWORDS: specials Mary Douglas anthropology sociology philosophy

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