Books - "religion"
Showing 2281 to 2300 of 6458 results.
Sreemad Bhaagavatham
Super octavo softcover (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Central Chinmaya Mission Trust 1996
KEYWORDS: Hindu Hinduism purana teachings religion
A 150 Year Pilgrimage: St Luke's Union Church, Masterton and the People of Knox and Wesley
Super octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Fraser Books 2005
KEYWORDS: New Zealand history church Masterton building architecture culture religion
Ramana, Shankara and the Forty Verses
Octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Watkins Publishing 2002
KEYWORDS: spirituality religion verses
Non-Dual Consciousness - The Flood Tide of Bliss
Octavo softcover (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning 1998
KEYWORDS: religion spirituality collection anthology
The Inner Circle
Octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning 1996
KEYWORDS: religion spirituality collection anthology
Reformation and Society in Sixteenth Century Europe
Super octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Thames and Hudson 1970
KEYWORDS: religion culture Europe history theology
Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers
Octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Zondervan 1996
KEYWORDS: biographies composers classical music religion spirituality inspiration Christian
Light on the Path
Octavo softcover (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: SYDA Foundation 1981
KEYWORDS: siddha yoga spirituality theology religion essays collection anthology meditation
The Jesus Family Tomb: The Discovery That Will Change History Forever
Super octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Harper Element 2007
KEYWORDS: humanities religion Christianity theology Jesus dna archaeology
The God Delusion
Octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Bantam 2006
KEYWORDS: religion spirituality Christianity
'Being': The Teaching of Advaita: A Basic Introduction
Super octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: The Study Society 2007
KEYWORDS: religion meditation advaita spirituality
The Complete Jesus
Super octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book keeps postage costs down.
PUBLISHER: Steerforth Press 1998 (?)
KEYWORDS: religion theology Christianity Jesus teachings guide education gospel
Why Israel? Understanding Israel, the Church and the Nations in the Last Days
Imperial octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples.Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.
PUBLISHER: Christians for Israel International 2007
KEYWORDS: Israel Palestine Christianity biblical prophecy religion theology
The Turin Shroud
Paperback (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples.Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.
PUBLISHER: Penguin Books 1979
KEYWORDS: religion history theology turin shroud Christianity theory
Rescued From the Dragon: True Accounts From China
Paperback (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples.Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.
PUBLISHER: Marshalls 1984
KEYWORDS: China religion dragons Christianity autobiography memoir theology Alice Hayes Taylor James Hudson Taylor missionary
The Medieval Centuries
Octavo softcover (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples.Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.
PUBLISHER: University Paperbacks/Methuen 1965
KEYWORDS: history medieval religion culture sociology anthropology politics Europe
Israel, the Nations and the Valley of Decision
Octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples.Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.
PUBLISHER: Christians For Israel International 2014
KEYWORDS: religion Israel Christianity Jewish bible theology history
The Battle of Beginnings: Why Neither Side is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate
Super octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples.Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.
PUBLISHER: InterVarsity Press 1996
KEYWORDS: religion creation evolution science debate theology philosophy
Tinker, Tailor, Ministry? Options in a Changing World
Paperback (VG-); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples.Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.
PUBLISHER: Inter-Varsity Press 1992
KEYWORDS: vocation calling missionary religion christianity mission training
The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For?
Imperial octavo softcover (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples.Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage cost.
PUBLISHER: Zondervan 2002
KEYWORDS: inspirational self help actualisation guide religion Christianity