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Books - "specials"

Showing 26461 to 26480 of 41475 results.


Supplement to British Book News No. 23: Thomas Carlyle


Octavo softcover, ex library (VG-); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: The British Council / Longmans, Green & Co 1952

KEYWORDS: specials literary criticism literature David Gascoyne Thomas Carlyle


Australian Writers and their Work: Patrick White


Octavo softcover, ex library (VG-); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Lansdowne Press 1962

KEYWORDS: specials literary criticism literature australian australia Geoffrey Dutton Patrick White


God On Our Side: The British Padres in World War I


Octavo hardcover (VG+) in d/w (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Leo Cooper / Martin Secker Warburg 1983

KEYWORDS: specials Michael Moynihan World War One WWI history regimental padres priests clerics chaplains church


The Plague of Onion Men: Sexton Blake - Star of Union Jack and Detective Weekly: An Omnibus


First edition thus, quarto hardcover (VG) in d/w (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Howard Baker / Greyfriars Press 1972

KEYWORDS: first edition thus specials Gwyn Evans Sexton Blake crime literature thrillers detective stories


Business In Great Waters


softcover super octavo (nr fine); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Wordsworth 1999

KEYWORDS: specials John Terraine military submarine u-boat war history


The 1979 NSW Rail Transport Review


Imperial octavo softcover (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Searail Productions 1980

KEYWORDS: specials Stuart Alan Sharp Australia New South Wales NSW transport railways trains


Supersonic (Airliner) Non-Sense: A Case Study in Applied Market Research


Warmly insribed & signed by author to NZ aviation author Ian Mackersey, super octavo hardcover (fine) in d/w (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Paladwr Press 1998

KEYWORDS: specials REG Davies transport aviation history airlines aeroplanes supersonic airliners


Sappho: A Picture of Life in Paris


Folio Society octavo hardcover (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: The Folio Society 1954

KEYWORDS: specials Alphonse Daudet Eithne Wilkins French literature


Remember You are an Englishman: A Biography of Sir Harry Smith 1787-1860


First edition, octavo hardcover (VG+) in d/w (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Jonathan Cape 1977

KEYWORDS: specials Joseph H Lehmann Sir Harry Smith biography first edition


Casananova's Parrot and Other Tales of the Famous and their Pets


First edition, small octavo hardcover (nr fine) in d/w (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Ebury Press 2002

KEYWORDS: first edition specials Mark Bryant animals pets famous people


Corsairville: The Lost Domain of the Flying Boat


Octavo softcover (nr fine); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Penguin 2001

KEYWORDS: specials Graham Coster aviation flying boats airline flights Imperial Airways flying boat Corsair history travel


As You Do: Adventures with Evel, Oliver, and the Vice President of Botswana


Super octavo softcover (nr fine); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2008

KEYWORDS: specials Richard Hammond travel adventure BBC Top Gear memoir biography


Ship of Courage: The Epic Story of HMAS Perth and Her Crew


First edition, ex library, super octavo hardcover (VG-) in d/w (VG-); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Allen & Unwin 1994

KEYWORDS: specials first edition Brendan Whiting HMAS Perth Australia World War Two WWII Battle of the Sundra Strait naval maritime history


The Flyers: In Search of Wilbur and Orville Wright


First edition, octavo hardcover (fine) in d/w (fine); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Simon & Schuster 2005

KEYWORDS: first edition Noah Adams Orville Wright Wilbur Wright biography Kitty Hawk aviation history specials


IceTrek: The Bitter Journey to the South Pole by Peter Hillary, Jon Muir & Eric Philips


First edition, octavo softcover (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Harper Collins 2000

KEYWORDS: first edition Eric Philips Peter Hillary Jon Muir expedition exploration South Pole specials


Great Little Railways


Imperial octavo hardcover (fine) in d/w (VG+); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: British Broadcasting Corp 1984

KEYWORDS: specials BBC narrow gauge railways trains transport travel Russell Chamberlin Colin Garratt Peter Hillmore Simon Hoggart Stanly Reynolds Lyn Webster Michael Wood


The Fledgling: An Autobiography


First edition, octavo hardcover (VG+) in d/w (VG-); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Duell, Sloan & Pearce 1964

KEYWORDS: specials first edition Arch Whitehouse autobiography pilot aviation history World War One WWI Royal Flying Corps


Ten of the Best New Zealand Trout Flies: Where and When to use them and How to Tie them


First edition, octavo softcover (VG); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: John McIndoe 1987

KEYWORDS: specials first edition Mike Weddell sport fishing trout flies flyting New Zealand


Iron Dinosaurs


First edition, small octavo hardcover (nr fine) in d;/w, (nr fine); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Blandford Press 1976

KEYWORDS: specials first edition Colin Garratt railways transport trains steam engines history Java Sumatra Indonesia Taiwan Philippines


Steam Safari


First edition, small octavo hardcover (nr fine) in d;/w, (nr fine); all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.

PUBLISHER: Blandford Press 1974

KEYWORDS: specials first edition Colin Garratt railways transport trains steam engines locomotives history Africa

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