Books - "specials"
Showing 27381 to 27400 of 41482 results.
Paperback (VG) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Pan Books Ltd 1989
KEYWORDS: specials Richard McGill literature fiction novel
The Lost Testament
Paperback (VG) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: HarperCollins Publishers 1994
KEYWORDS: specials Alan Gold literature religious fiction novel
The Law of Delay
Interviews and Outerviews
Paperback (VG) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Penguin Books 1978
KEYWORDS: specials C Northcote Parkinson humour
L.A. Requiem
An Elvis Cole Novel
Paperback (VG) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Orion Books Ltd 2008
KEYWORDS: specials Robert Crais literature crime fiction novel
Christopher Lee's Archives of Evil
Paperback (VG) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Granada Publishing Limited 1979
KEYWORDS: specials Christopher Lee Michael Parry literature anthology short stories cinematic history cinema film Hollywood
Biofuels for Transport
Global Potential and Implications for Sustainable Energy and Agriculture
Hardcover imperial octavo (VG+) lacks d/w ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Earthscan 2007
KEYWORDS: specials Worldwatch Institute popular science contemporary issues energy fuel biofuel transport
Women in Wartime
Softcover imperial octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: GP Publications 1995
KEYWORDS: specials Lauris Edmond New Zealand history women wartime
Faith in Time
The Life of Jimmy Scott
Softcover imperial octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Da Capo Press 2003
KEYWORDS: specials David Ritz biography Jimmy Scott music singer
Steven Spielberg
Softcover imperial octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: University Press of Mississippi 2000
KEYWORDS: specials Lester D Friedman Brent Notbohm biography Steven Spielberg cinema film Hollywood history interviews collection
An Introduction
Softcover octavo (VG) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press 1962
KEYWORDS: specials Ricardo Quintana biography Jonathan Swift satiricist
The Waking Giant: The Soviet Union under Gorbachev
Softcover octavo (VG) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Sphere Books Ltd 1988
KEYWORDS: specials Martin Walker biography Mikhail Gorbachev contemporary history Soviet Union Russia politics
Art School
An instructional guide based on the teaching of leading art colleges
Softcover imperial octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Papermac 1982
KEYWORDS: specials Colin Saxton art arts practical guide
The Greek Commonwealth
Politics and Economics in Fifth-Century Athens
Hardcover imperial octavo (VG) lacks d/w ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press 1915
KEYWORDS: specials Alfred E Zimmern classical studies ancient history Greek politics economics Athens
The Grass Dancer
Softcover imperial octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: G.P. Putnam's Sons 1994
KEYWORDS: specials Susan Power literature fiction novel
Historical Materialism 19.1
Research in Critical Marxist Theory
Softcover imperial octavo (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Brill 2011
KEYWORDS: specials Alex Anievas politics political theory philosophy Marxism critical marxist theory
London's Natural History
Hardcover super octavo (VG) in d/w (VG-, tatty) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Collins 1946
KEYWORDS: specials R S R Fitter natural history England London
The Maiden Voyage
First edition Hardcover super octavo (VG+) in d/w (VG-) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: A.H. & A.W. Reed Ltd 1977
KEYWORDS: specials Joan Biggar literature fiction novel emigration Scotland to New Zealand
Married and Gone to New Zealand
Being Extracts from the Writings of Women Pioneers
Hardcover super octavo (VG) in d/w (VG-) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press 1960
KEYWORDS: specials Alison Drummond New Zealand women pioneers history settlers settlement
Laxdaela Saga
Hardcover super octavo (VG+) in slipcase (VG+) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: The Folio Society 1975
KEYWORDS: specials Magnus Magnusson Hermann Palsson literature mythology Icelandic saga
Don't Push the River
(it flows by itself)
Softcover super octavo (VG) ; all our specials have minimal description to keep listing them viable. They are at least reading copies, complete and in reasonable condition, but usually secondhand; frequently they are superior examples. Ordering more than one book will reduce your overall postage costs.
PUBLISHER: Real People Press 1970
KEYWORDS: specials Barry Stevens psychology therapy Zen Krishnamurti Gestalt therapy personal development