Books - "theology"
Showing 81 to 100 of 2370 results.
10,000 Famous Freemasons
4 vols, VG (four vols, stiff illustrated paper wraps, spines sunned, minor creasing to vol one extrems, v minor spot soils to some foredges, owners inscription to upper tp of each vol, vol 3 is beginning to seperate at last section, vol 4 is seperated at mid section with one page loose.)
PUBLISHER: macoy & masonic supply, virginia, 1957
KEYWORDS: freemasons occult theology william denslow freemasonry
The Coptic Church of El-Moallaka and Others at Old
72pp, ills (b/w) VG (soft paper wraps, sl soiled, minor soils to some contents, stamp to tp, binding tight.)
PUBLISHER: coptic school of theology, cairo, 1943
KEYWORDS: rev shenouda hanna theology history
Five Conversations
19pp, VG (small paper wraps, minor foxing and soils, sl creasing.)
PUBLISHER: saanen gatherings committee, 1968
KEYWORDS: j krishnamurti theology
Unbelief in the Nineteenth Century
a critical history
399pp VG+ (blue cloth,sl.rubbed and soiled,sl.wear to extrems.,prelims.and edges sl.foxed)
PUBLISHER: robert culley london [nd]
KEYWORDS: history theology henry c.sheldon
A Pilgrimage to The Holy Land;
comprising recollections, sketches, and reflection
3 vols;337pp;364pp;318pp; b/w frontis, VG- (half leather and marbelled boards, minor bumps and scuffing to extrems, marbelled eps, contents browned, minor staining to some contents, vol 1 is beginning to separate at first section gutter & has inscription to ffep.)
PUBLISHER: richard bentley, london, 1837
KEYWORDS: alphonse de lamartine theology history travel
Reprint, ex lib, minimal markings, unissued, 438pp, VG+ (sl bruised lower front corner, v sl soiled & rubbed) lacks d/w
PUBLISHER: Klaus Reprint Co, New York, 1971
KEYWORDS: objectivity reality morality democracy value determinism human dignity civilization theology arts music letters various authors
Religion and Social Organization in Central Polynesia
first edition 340pp VG- (green cloth,soiled w.spine sunned,prelims.and edges foxed) Lacks d/w
PUBLISHER: cambridge university press london 1937
KEYWORDS: theology history sociology polynesia religion robert w.williamson
The Teetotaler's Companion; or a Plea for Temperance;
being an exposition of the personal, domestic, and national evils..
510pp+116pp, G+ (green cloth with decorative stamps, wear and bumps to extrems, spine spilt at upper rear hinge, lower spine frayed, binding starting to separate at several sections, contents sl browned and soiled, rough cut edges.)
PUBLISHER: arthur hall and co, london, 1847
KEYWORDS: peter burne temperance history theology
Experience and Conduct
first edition 27pp.VG(green wraps,sunned,publisher stamp to half title)
PUBLISHER: star publishing trust holland [1930]
KEYWORDS: jiddu krishnamurti theosophy theology spiritualism philosophy
Experience and Conduct
first edition 27pp.VG(orange wraps,sunned,publisher stamp to half title)
PUBLISHER: star publishing trust holland [1930]
KEYWORDS: jiddu krishnamurti theosophy theology spiritualism philosophy
Der Schlussel zur Theosophie
first edition 223pp. VG+(green cloth,gilt title to spine,contents clean) in VG d/w(mod.scuffed and soiled,foxed,sl.shelf-wear to extrems.)
PUBLISHER: adyar-verlag graz 1969
KEYWORDS: helena blavatsky theosophy theology spiritualism occult religion
Okkulte Prinzipien Der Gesundheit und Heilung
first edition 245pp.VG+(blue cloth,gilt title to spine and front board,spine mod.sunned,mod.shelf-wear to extrems.)
PUBLISHER: rosenkreuzer-gemeinschaft darmstadt 1972
KEYWORDS: max heindel occult spiritualism theology religion
Lehren Eines Eingeweihten
first edition 213pp.VG+(textured wraps,title to spine and front cover,mod.browned,mod.shelf-wear to extrems.)
PUBLISHER: rosenkreuzer-gemeinschaft darmstadt nd
KEYWORDS: max heindel occult spiritualism theology religion
Nachlese Eines Mystikers
first edition 198pp.VG+(laminated textured wraps,title to spine and front cover,mod.browned,mod.shelf-wear to extrems.)
PUBLISHER: rosenkreuzer-gemeinschaft darmstadt nd
KEYWORDS: max heindel occult spiritualism theology religion
Astro-Diagnose ein Fuhrer zur Heilung
eine abhandlung uber medizinische astrologie und diagnose durch das horoskop und die hand
first edition 319pp.VG(blue cloth,gilt title to spine and front board,mod.sunned,browned,soiled and scuffed)
PUBLISHER: rosenkreuzer-gemeinschaft darmstadt 1969
KEYWORDS: max heindel occult theosophy spiritualism theology religion
Der Sichtbare und der Unsichtbare Mensch
first edition 135pp.+illus.(col.) VG(gold cloth,gilt title to spine and front board,sl.cocked and soiled,sl.shelf-wear to extrems.)
PUBLISHER: verlag hermann bauer frieburg 1964
KEYWORDS: c w leadbeater spiritualism occult theosophy theology religion
The Complaint
first edition rebound 315pp.G(front board calf,spine and rear board leather with raised bands,scuffed,soiled and worn,paste-action to new eps.,edges and contents mod.browned,soiled and foxed,inscrip.dated 1801 to blank prelim.)
PUBLISHER: a millar np c.1800
KEYWORDS: literature theology religion poetry eighteenth century
A Recurring Experience
cream paper boards with tan cloth spine, 112pp, VG+(v sl edgewear, sl rubbed & soiled, v sl sunned)
PUBLISHER: The Theosophica Publishing House Adyar 1953
KEYWORDS: death transition theology
A History of Theological Hall Knox College Dunedin 1876-1975
first edition, limited signed edition #38, black cloth, with gilt to spine & emblem to front, 188pp illus, VG+(v sl rubbed, v sl cocked, v sl bumped spine foot, bookplate & prev owners sign to ffep, v sl paste action to pastedowns)
PUBLISHER: Theological Education Committee Presbyterian Church NZ Dunedin 1975
KEYWORDS: history theology knox college dunedin
A Study in Secular History
ex lib, minimal markings, 330pp, VG+(v sl brusied corners, v sl edgewear) d/w VG(v sl wear & tears to extrems, sl rubbed & soiled)
PUBLISHER: Columbia University Press New York 1943
KEYWORDS: secular history theology