Have you got a heart?
Dr Ross Walker's entertaining books on heart health are billed as a must for everyone with a heart!
If I Eat Another Carrot I'll Go Crazy! The Five Point Way to a Healthy Heart
What's Cookin' Doc: The Five Point Diet for a Healthy Heart
Dr Walker suggests that heart health is based on some simple food facts and action plans. His method is enjoyable, life-enhancing and fun. He addresses diet, vitamins, exercise and a stress-free life in a straightforward manner and makes complex medicine and science easy. He makes clear why good food, wine & relaxation will keep you out of the cariologist's office. The accompanying recipe book rounds out the healthy heart duo.
We've got copies of these two books for only NZ$1.00 for the two - packaged neatly in a cellophane wrapper and brand new to boot! How can you resist?