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Trip to Rio for the Olympics? - 16th Jul 2016

Essential guide books and phrase books

Once you make it to Brazil, you'll need to know what to do, where to go and what sights to see. You'll also want to know how to order some delicious Brazilian food or ask for a drink in a beachside bar in Brazilian Portuguese.  Make sure you try the famous caipirinha.  Mmmm!

What better way to prepare than to read a few guidebooks to get the lowdown on the best places to go and then carry a phrase book to help you ask directions and get what you want.

We have a great selection of travel guides and phrase books at prices far below the cost of new books.  Come in and have a look or browse through our online stock.  We don't just cover Brazil. We have guides to all sorts of countries and phrase books for all sorts of languages.  

You're bound to want to see a bit of the rest of South America, so pick up a Spanish phrase book as well.  Happy travelling

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