First Edition Friday: The Bone People by Keri Hulme
"Oh all the world is a little queer, except thee and me, and sometimes, I wonder about thee. "
This is the number one book I recommend to people when they come into the store. It is eloquent, it is captivating and it is dreamlike.
The Bone People was rejected by many big publishing houses when it was written - it ended up getting picked up by Spiral, a small feminist collective in Christchurch.
It won the Booker Prize in 1984, the Pegasus Prize for Literature in 1985 and continues to be revered as a work of literary art all throughout New Zealand.
We have FOUR first edition first issue copies of The Bone People. They range in condition and therefore price, but you can pick up a copy for between $120 and $325NZD.
More information is available by searching our catalogue.
This just in!
Did you know that we update our online catalogue with new books every day!?
Here are just some of the titles we have added this week!
We want you to read 20 books with us in 2020!
All you need to do is read 20 books that correspond with each of the categories listed below and in the picture. Easy right?
We want you to read:
- A lesser known book by your favourite author
- A book being adapted for screen this year
- A book by an author from your home town
- A banned book
- A book over 500 pages
- A popular science book
- A book set in a war (other than WWI or II)
- A book originally published in a foreign language
- A history book
- A graphic novel/comic
- A book written by a person of a different gender
- A classic
- A book you pick with your eyes closed
- A book published the year you were born
- A book of short stories
- A book of poetry
- A book recommended by your local bookshop
- That book on your shelf you have been meaning to read
- A biography/memoir
- A book that won an award
The staff here at Hard to Find Books will be doing the challenge with you and posting our results as we go, as well as some bookspiration for each topic.
When you finish a book, don't forget to celebrate by posting it on social media with #20booksin2020 and let us celebrate with you!
If you're short on books or need inspiration, have a browse through our website.
We have over 140,000 books online and more added daily.
Let's get reading!
First Edition Ngaio Marsh
First Edition Friday presents: Ngaio Marsh!
"It is a curious thing that when one speaks from the heart, it is invariably in the worst of taste"
- from 'Death in a White Tie'
We have so many first edition Ngaio Marsh books here at Hard to Find Books! At least two of our staff are reading this wonderful New Zealand writer at the moment, and we even have a larger than life picture of her (looking extremely cool) overlooking our workspace...
We also have a great range of her paperbacks: ideal for summer reading.
Pictured are:
Dead Water 1964 SIGNED $175
Spinsters in Jeopardy 1954 $60
Off With His Head 1957 $60
When in Rome SIGNED 1970 $318.75
Death at the Dolphin 1967 $12
Death and the Dancing Footman 1941 $285
Hand in Glove 1962 $15.30
Military & Aviation Books
Just arrived in our Dunedin shop (with still more to come!) - heaps of military history and aviation books. If you aren't in Dunedin there will be plenty being added to our online catalogue over the next couple of weeks as well.
Answer to the Tony Eyre Challenge
The competition is now over. Here are the names of the famous authors who penned the less-than-famous titles we listed over the last two weeks.
The Life and Death of Mr Badman - John Bunyan
Behind a Mask - Louisa M Alcott
The Single Hound - Emily DIckinson
Arctic Summer - EM Forster
November - Gustave Flaubert
The Return - Joseph Conrad
One Thousand & One Ghosts - Alexandre Dumas
We have copies of all those books so why not come in and buy a copy of one (or all) of them?
Tony Eyre Challenge #7
This is the last chance to star in the Tony Eyre Challenge. The list of book titles and their famous authors will be given tomorrow.
Meanwhile, you can log on to our Facebook page and enter the name of the very famous author who wrote today's not so famous title. You might win if you're quick (as this competition has been a bit more challenging than we expected).
Today's title: One Thousand and One Ghosts
Who is the famous author?
Tony Eyre Challenge #6
Tony Eyre Challenge #6
Continuing our current competition - we give you a not-very-famous book title written by a very famous author. You try to identify the famous author WITHOUT RECOURSE to the Internet.
When you think you know the author, log in to our Facebook page and enter your answer. You get a point if you are first with the correct author. We still don't have a correct answer for yesterday's challenge either so you could try and answer both at once.
Today's title is The Return
Be first and get a point (and some kudos).