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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - 10th May 2018

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
This is a really great science fiction book by the American writer Philip K Dick. You probably already know that it is the book on which the film Blade Runner was based. If you haven't seen the film or read the book (unlikely, I know), then rush into the shop and buy yourself a copy before you dash off to watch the film.

This is probably Philip K Dick's best known novel but he was a prolific writer and even if you've read this one, there are plenty more to choose from. We have a good selection of science fiction and fantasy in the shop, so come in and browse or have a look on line. 

The King James Bible - 9th May 2018

The King James Bible Alister McGrath
In The Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and how it changed a Nation, a Language and a Culture

The author is well placed to have written this book. He is Professor of Historical Theology at the University of Oxford and has written widely in his field.

Early attempts to translate the bible into English ran into all sorts of problems (as you will discover in this book when you read it).  It could even be dangerous for the translator as he might be seen as a traitor. As a bible in English was accessible to all sorts, it might threaten the position of the church and king. However, demand for a bible in English continued to increase. Some translations were not to the liking of James I and so eventually he authorised his own translation; hence the name of our most common bible.

There were some great errors in the early editions. One such error no doubt created consternation at the time but would not even raise an eyebrow in today's world: "Thou shalt commit adultery."

Take this recommendation: "McGrath's history of the King James Bible’s creation and influence is a worthy tribute to a great work and a joy to read."

Hunting in New Zealand - 8th May 2018

Hunting in New Zealand Roger Lentle and Frank Saxton's
The New Zealand Hunters' Companion

This is a comprehensive guide to bushcraft and hunting in New Zealand. It provides would-be outdoorsmen with the information needed to tramp, camp and hunt safely in the New Zealand terrain.

The book's sections cover all the aspects you need. The chapter on bushcraft deals with navigation, camping skills, river crossings, edible plants and coping with being lost. Chapter two looks at the equipment such as boots, clothing including suitable materials and fibres, sleeping bags, knives, tents and of course the backpack. Following sections cover weapons, shooting and hunting techniques, the quarry's behaviour and the all important weather.

Get the aspiring hunter in your life a copy of this invaluable volume and earn undying gratitude.


Van Eyck - 7th May 2018

Van Eyck The Age of Van Eyck: The Mediterranean World and Early Netherlandish Painting 1430-1530
Till-Holder Borchert

The art of Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Hugo van der Goes, Hans Memling, Jan Provoost and Jean Hey (to name but a few) flowered in the period 1430 to 1530 and their influence spread far and wide, well beyond the Netherlands into France, Portugal, and Spain. 

This lavishly illustrated book contains essays by world renowned experts and explores the artistic, cultural and political relationships between the Netherlands and the Mediterranean. Many of the finest works of the European Renaissance are reproduced here.

Hone Tuwhare - 2nd May 2018

Deep River Talk: Collected Poems
Hone Tuwhare

I think Hone Tuwhare's poetry is accessible to those who don't normally have any interested in verse. I think his style is so varied that it can appeal to everyone. He can be rude and colloquial, learned and lofty, romantic and prosaic. Just have a look at these two and then buy the book.

New Zealand Rugby Union
What's in a game?
Apartheid would smell as sweet
If Rugby be they name.

English Lesson
The naked family came into the room
The naked family comes into the room
The naked family has come into the room
The naked family will be coming into the room
O Christ, what a mess: the naked family with halos
and donkey and all - and with a shitty-arsed baby
who needed wiping - is coming into the room again
from the patio.

They would not of come into the room again
if my master, the Master Painter Giotto, had not of
let them in to sit for him - without the donkey

William Blake - 30th Apr 2018

The Complete Graphic Works of William Blake
by David Bindman with Deirdre Toomey

This fantastic book contains all of Blake's printed designs and the main variations thereof. It covers his work from the time of his apprenticeship up to his final works. 

It is a pretty exhaustive study and traces his skill and genius from start to finish. There is an annotated catalogue and notes to each plate. There is also discussion of Blake's various methods such as engraving, colour-printing, intaglio- and relief-etching and how he developed and used them. 

Most of the illustrations are printed to the actual size of Blake's plates. Where that isn't possible because the originals were too large, a full-size detail is included. 

This is the book for anyone you know who is a fan of William Blake's art.

Knitting and Tatting - 27th Apr 2018

Knitting and Tatting When I mention knitting or tatting, I expect your minds turn to babies' bonnets, children's jumpers, gloves and mittens, scarves, woollen jerseys for winter and the like; but this is not knitting as you know it.

Radical Lace and Subversive Knitting
by David Revere McFadden with Jennifer Scanlan and Jennifer Edwards

This was an exhibition of work at the Museum of Arts and Design by a group of contemporary international artists who use fibre in a variety of innovative ways. You can see traditional knitting and lacemaking techniques used with unexpected materials and/or in surprising ways.

Radical Lace & Subversive Knitting features an article on each of the 27 artists represented here alongside lovely photographs of the works they had in the exhibition. Broaden your horizons and have a read of this interesting book: it is a great introduction to the use of materials in the visual arts and how the boundaries of art, craft and design have pretty much dissolved.

Pacific Island Art - 26th Apr 2018

Oceania: Art of the Pacific Islands in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Eric Kjellgren

This extensively illustrated book provides a glimpse of the art from New Guinea, Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and island Southeast Asia held in the collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The people of Oceania have developed a huge array of distinct artistic traditions. 

Feast your eyes on masks, tattoos, paintings, weaving, carvings, cooking implements, religious symbols, tools, weapons, statues, clothing and headresses. The variety is endless and pervades almost every aspect of daily life in the Pacific..

Oceanic art has had an influence on artists such as Gaugin and Picasso.

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