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Chinese Poetry - 8th Mar 2018

Chinese Poetry Translations from the Chinese
by Arthur Waley & Illustrated by Cyrus Le Roy Baldridge

Chinese traditional poetry has a strict form: a fixed number of syllables per line and rhyming is obligatory.

By Yang-ti (AD 605-617), Emperor of the Sui dynasty
WInter Night

My bed is so empty that I keep on waking up;
As the cold increases, the night-wind begins to blow,
It rustles the curtains, making a noise like the sea:
Oh that those were waves which could carry me back to you!

Science - 7th Mar 2018

Science Roger Penrose's
The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe

As you might guess from the title, this is a comprehensive account of the physical universe and its underlying mathematical theory. You apparently need no special scientific or mathematical knowledge to read it! I am not convinced.

I glanced inside at the index and caught sight of complex-number calculus, Fourier hyperfunctions, manifolds of n dimensions, fibre bundles, Minkowskian geometry, Lagrangian formalism, quantum field theory, supra-dimensionality, and Schrodinger-Newton states. At that point I was pretty convinced that you needed slightly more knowledge of science and maths than I posses. I gave it one more chance and opened the book at random. The equations that confronted me cemented my first impression.

YOu are no doubt more au fait with maths and science than I am. Come on in and get a copy. The book has had superb reviews and, by all accounts, Penrose conveys a feeling for the deep beauty and philosophical implications of our universe. Maybe you can explain it all to me!

Jean-Paul Sartre - 5th Mar 2018

Jean-Paul Sartre Words
by Jean-Paul Sartre

I am not even going to try and write about the above book as the blurb on the back says it far better than I ever could. I shall plagiarise.
"Reminiscences of a precocious childhood spent within the confines of French provincialism before the First World War. After his father's early death, Sartre was brought up at his grandfather's home in a world even then 80 years out of date. In Words he recalls his illusion-ridden childhood - dominated by a false conception of life, ideas and literature - and considers its effect on his work. Essential background to the philosophy of one of the world's profoundest thinkers, this self-analysis is also a brilliant study in child psychology and a witty, lucid story that will delight all those who have previously found Sartre over-complex."{

Bluff Oyster Season - 2nd Mar 2018

It's that time of the year again: Bluff Oyster Season

Celebrate by going out for a feed or having a take-away of battered Bluff oysters and chips - one of the greatest meals you can have.

You could also celebrate the arrival of these lovely bivalve molluscs by coming in to the shop and buying a book on 50 ways to prepare them. Then you can enjoy them in a different style nearly every night of the season.

Katherine Mansfield Short Stories - 1st Mar 2018

Katherine Mansfield Short Stories The Garden Party: Katherine Mansfield's New Zealand Short Stories

This is an Illustrated edition of Katherine Mansfield's short stories. It is published by Century Hutchinson and is a lovely volume with patterned red cloth boards and an illustrated title label on the front board. 

Among the artists represented are Christopher Perkins, Raymond McIntyre, Rhona Haszard, Maud SHerwood, Thomas Ryan and lots of paintings by the marvelous Frances Hodgkins. Each story has its own painting plus a lovely flower illustration.

Stories include How Pearl Button Was Kidnapped, The Stranger, The Canary, The Voyage and another 12 stories.

The joy of Italy - 27th Feb 2018

The joy of Italy Many people daydream about a new life in Italy: it's something to do with the food, the wine, the people and the way of life. There have been numerous books written by people who have actually upped sticks and started a new life. Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes and several others of that ilk spring to mind.

Italian Joy by Carla Coulson is one of these books. She's an Australian who gave up a Sydney flat, a designer wardrobe and a successful business to move to Italy, where she fell in love with the Italian approach to everything. The book shines with her love of Italian food, cooking, wine, customs, family, markets, men, women, and even their driving!

If you don't want to move to Italy yourself by the time you get halfway through, I'll be surprised. Coulson is a photographer (she trained in Italy while learning the language) and the book is generously illustrated throughout.

Hungry students - 26th Feb 2018

Hungry students You've made it through the first week or two in your new flat and sussed out your flatmates' cooking ability. That means it's probably time you got a copy of this book for your flat.

The Vegetarian Student Cookbook: Great Grub for the Hungry and the Broke
Published by Rylands, Peters & Hall

The title says it all really. This is a must for hungry students who are short on time and money but don't want to eat crap all the time.

Pop into the shop and get a copy and liven up your flat's evening meals. These are easy, interesting and quick recipes. You can't do better than this and it only costs $10.00.

Leonard Cohen - 23rd Feb 2018

Everyone loves Leonard Cohen's music (I think) but not everyone is as familiar with his writing. The famous Canadian was a poet and a novelist as well as being a successful singer and songwriter. If you haven't read any of his work, perhaps now is the time to grab a copy of one of his books. You could then sit down to a session of reading accompanied by some of his superb music.

The stony path coiled around me
and bound me to the night.
A boat hunted the edge of the sea
under a hissing light.

Something soft involved a net
and bled around a spear.
The blunt death, the cumulus jet -
I spoke to you, I thought you near.

Or was the night so black
that something died alone?
A man with a glistening back
beat the food against a stone.

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