Calling All Conjurers
Some rare titles, some unusual titles (see this Wellington magic shop catalogue: anyone ever frequent Stewart's Studio of Magic on Manners Street? Delightful ephemera)
Cards, rope, silk, coin, conjuring with or without apparatus, Pallbearers Review collections, titles by/about George G. Kaplan, Dai Vernon, Jim Sisti, Bruce Cervon, Jon Raucherbaumer, John A. Bannon and many other classics — get in while they're going friends....
JAZZ BOOKS and others
Keep an eye on the website — new books uploaded every day.
Some of the many titles arrived in the Auckland Store this week

Currently in our EDEN TERRACE, AUCKLAND store

A selection of Maori books currently here in Auckland
A few oldies, but goodies, or just plain cute books
Stephen King set just in

We have DVDs at the Auckland store too !!
Just a reminder we have a selection of DVDs available (secondhand) - we've tried to weed out the dross and have a range of classics and interesting titles
We've had several large baking/cooking/sweets collections arrive, all of the books in immaculate as-new condition. Taste them while they're hot!! Just a couple of photos here to whet your appetite but there are many many more instore...