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Architects - 27th Feb 2017

Architects This is a lovely two-volume boxed set which is packed with some really inspiring buildings from some of the world's best architects.

100 Contemporary Architects (Vol.1 A-I, Vol.2 J-Z)
with text in English, German and French
By Philip Jodidio

You cannot fail to be impressed by the selection of contemporary architecture in this set, whether you are an architect, a student or an enthusiast. The photography is great and perfectly complements each entry. 

You get a short biopic of the architect followed by a description of the building without an excess of jargon or technical terms, and a clear sketch of the design along with the photographs. 

If you haven't got a passionate interest in contemporary architecture now, you will have once you immerse yourself in these books. As an added bonus, you can practise or improve your English/French/German while you're at it.


The Darwin Awards: Countdown to Extinction - 25th Feb 2017

The Darwin Awards: Countdown to Extinction 'Only two things in the world are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former'

There is fantastic and valuable research being done every day by brilliant people to expand our knowledge of the universe, cure disease, and make everyday life more enjoyable. This book isn't about them.

This book is about the other, not so brilliant people. The winners of the Darwin awards. It seems since humans first developed the ability to question and experiment there have been people who will touch the element to see if it's hot, stick a fork in the toaster to see what happens, or go kite surfing in a hurricane. 

The Darwin Awards 'honour those who help natural selection by taking a swan dive into the shallow end of the gene pool'. Filled with amusing stories of experiments and inventions gone wrong, this is a great book to read if you're feeling down about not being exceptional - you may not have discovered the cure for the common cold but at least you haven't died from trying to turn a bar stool into a means of transport or playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic weapon!

Cakes galore - 24th Feb 2017

Birthday, anniversary, wedding, engagement, baby shower, house warming, Christmas, Easter, graduation, morning tea, new baby, retirement, or maybe even divorce?? (who knows these days) - whatever the occasion, a decorated cake will enhance your celebration.

The Cake Decorator's Motif Bible
by Sheila Lampkin

This is a collection of 150+ foolproof designs, from simple to chic, elegant and elaborate.

Each entry has a template which can be scaled up or down, clear instructions, a list of materials & tools, and a photo of the finished design. There are also instructions on the basic techniques you need and suggestions on colour schemes.

Get a copy of this book and start making fabulous, fun, tempting, special, memorable, unique cakes which are well worth a photo!

Great Places to Stay - 23rd Feb 2017

Great Places to Stay 501 Great Places to Stay

The sun is shining. It's unexpectedly hot. The skies are blue. And summer appears to be here at last (although autumn is only a week away). Alternatively you're not in Dunedin and you're stuck in mid-winter in cold, wet, rainy, miserable weather.  Either way, your thoughts naturally turn to holidays and travel.

Grab a copy of this book and flick through all the amazing places you can stay almost anywhere on the planet: an underwater bedroom, a treehouse, an old bull ring in Mexico, a riad in Morocco, a safari camp in the Galapagos, a mud hut in India, an ice hotel in the Arctic Circle, an eco-resort or an island paradise, whatever you fancy, you'll find it in this book. In fact, you'll undoubtedly find far more and varied options than you expect.

If you have already used up your holiday or have no money for travel, you can still dream away a fair few happy hours browsing through this selection of exotic and stimulating places to stay. The myriad fascinating possibilities are a feast for the eyes as well.

Allen Ginsberg - 22nd Feb 2017

The Book of Martyrdom & Artifice: First Journals and Poems 1937-1952
Allen Ginsberg / Juanita Lieberman Plimpton & Bill Morgan (Eds)

Allen Ginsberg kept a diary his entire life starting at the age of eleven. The most important and formative years of his life are covered in these early journals. Ginsberg insisted that they not be published during his lifetime because of their candour.

Some were written during the years he formed friendships with the likes of Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and William S Burroughs, widely known as the Beat Generation. They cover tragedies, murders, burglary, psychiatric hospital admission, broken hearts and his struggle to fit in a heterosexual world.

Get yourself a copy of these journals of Allen Ginsberg - you won't regret it. Also in the same volume are 50 previously unpublished poems and some rare photographs: 

How Love Works - 21st Feb 2017

How Love Works Me in You and You in Me: How Love Works
by Portia Nelson

This book calls itself a warm, wise and funny guide. It purportedly explains in a simple and concise way how life works.

Here's a taster:
It's a dreary day...
Let's just stay inside. 
We can pretend that 
Kisses are brushes
and that we are
each other's canvases.

Come in and get a copy and find out what it's all about. Alternatively, if this isn't your sort of thing, just get a good book, go home, relax and spend the evening reading.

Myths - 18th Feb 2017

Myth New Zealand
by Justin Brown

Do we really have a Number 8 wire mentality - and if so, what do we use it for?
Whatever happened to the 'good keen man'?
Where is the new generation of Burt Munroes?
Why can't you find pavlova in restaurants if it is the national dish?
Is it still a great place to bring up kids?

All these questions and many more are addressed in this lighhearted look at some popular Kiwi myths.

Whether you're a Kiwi or not, this is an interesting and thought-provoking look at modern New Zealand and if you enjoy it, Justin Brown has written many more books you might like to look at.

Physics and Super Heroes - 17th Feb 2017

Physics and Super Heroes The Physics of Super Heroes

James  Kakalios, who wrote the above book, is a professor of physics at the University of Minnesota. He wrote the book because of the popularity of his seminar titled "Everything I Know about Physics I Learned by Reading Comic Books". 

If superheroes stepped out of the comic, could they work their wonders in a world constrained by the laws of physics?
How strong would Superman have to be to leap tall buildings in one bound?
Could Storm of the X-Men control the weather?

James Kakalios provides brilliant explanations while introducing both classical and cutting-edge concepts in physics, including what Superman's strength can tell us about the Newtonian physics of force, mass, and acceleration; what villains like Electro and Magneto tell us about electricity and magnetism; how Iceman's powers show the principles of thermal dynamics; what the Human Top can tell us about angular momentum.... and more!

His love of both comics and physics shines through and makes this a must-read.

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