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New Zealand Photography - 25th Nov 2016

Burton Brothers - Photographers
by Hardwicke Knight

Hardwicke Knight is a very well known New Zealand author who has written widely on local history, art, and photography.

This book pays homage to the firm of Burton Brothers and to the remarkable contribution of Walter and Alfred Burton to New Zealand's photographic history. They travelled widely throughout the country and did a great deal to promote the country and its attractions.

They photographed everything from the scenery and the towns & cities to the buildings & the inhabitants.  The selection in this book has been chosen to highlight not only their artistic flair but also to give a fascinating glimpse into the period itself. The photographs are combined with an in depth biography of the Burton Brothers and their firm.


Continuing the poetry theme of the last two days - 24th Nov 2016

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night
Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight

This is one of the most widely known poems in the English language and is enjoyed by experts and novices alike.  

The Persian quatrains of Omar Khayyam have been translated by several different people. First was Edward Fitzgerald.  Many professional critics claim that the poetry is badly translated in Fitzgerald's version and recommend the Robert Graves' version. Obviously it is a matter of opinion and you can make your own decision.  

There have been so many different versions of the poem published that you are spoilt for choice if you are planning to buy one. This makes a thoughtful, simple and inexpensive gift for someone special in your life (or for yourself). Have a look at the attached images and see if you spot something that appeals.  

I think the Folio Society version with drawings by Virgil Burnett is beautiful but some of the other versions are quirky and interesting.  Come into the shop and have a look.

Poems for Kids - 23rd Nov 2016

Another 100 New Zealand Poems for Children
Edited by Rachel McAlpine and illustrated by David Elliott

Through my house in sunny weather
Flies the Dictionary Bird
Clear to see on every feather
is some outlandish word.

'Hugger Mugger" "gimcrack" "guava"
"waggish" "mizzle" "swashing rain"
Bird, fly back into my kitchen
Let me read those words again.
(Margaret Mahy)

This collection of poems deals with everything from moa and kiwi to robots and computers, from popcorn and chilli to naked horses and whales. It's perfect for children of today and features many of our best known writers such as Brian Turner, Roger Hall, Hone Tuwhare, Barry Crump, Bill Manhire, Fiona Farrell and many more. The illustrations are the perfect accompaniment to the charming poems. If you want to get your kids keen on poetry from an early age, this book is just what you need.

Lighten up your day with Edward Lear - 22nd Nov 2016

Edward Lear's Complete Nonsense

This is a lovely Folio Society edition in a matching slipcase, introduced by Quentin Blake with illustrations by Edward Lear which have been specially hand-coloured for this 1996 issue.

There are nonsense songs, nonsense stories, nonsense pictures, nonsense rhymes, nonsense poems, nonsense lyrics and yet more nonsense. 

There was an Old Man who when little
Fell casually into a kettle
But growing too stout
He could never get out
So he passed all his life in a kettle.

This would make a lovely present but would also just be nice to have around at home for a bit of light entertainment and reading out loud to your kids.

Calling all dentists - 21st Nov 2016

Calling all dentists Medicine for Dentists: A Problem-based Approach
Written by Simon Dimmitt

This book is what you need if you are a dentist or a student.  It gives you access to accurate medical information quickly and easily.

These days, dentists have to be able to cope with so much more than just their patients' dental needs. They can often be faced with medical risk factors or drug sensitivity problems, for example. This book deals with the medical conditions that are most likely to be of importance to dentists.

The book has a problem-based approach to the essentials of pathophysiology and delas with what to look for, possible areas of concern and what to do, and much more besides. It is clear, concise, easy to use and provides valuable information at a very reasonable price. 


The Wind in the Willows - 19th Nov 2016

This famous children's book was born in 1908 when Kenneth Grahame decided to write down and expand on the bedtime stories he told his son. Over 100 years on it still holds a prized place in many people's collections, both young and old.

It has been reprinted many times and adapted for both theatre and television. While we are not lucky enough to have a first edition we do have this beautiful early edition. Printed in 1913, it is illustrated by Paul Bransom with 10 vibrant colour plates.

This stunning copy would make a collector very happy, but if the $200 price tag is a little too much for you we have many copies available of this classic story, both online and in the shop.

H P Lovecraft - 18th Nov 2016

H P Lovecraft Howard Phillips Lovecraft; writer of horror and science fiction, has a devoted following of readers. Decades after they were written, his books are still sought after with fans traipsing far and wide to track down copies of his novels that they haven't yet read.

He was a relatively prolific writer so there are many titles to choose from. Here are a few just to give a flavour of his books: In the Vault, The Hound, The Shunned House, The Rats in the Walls, Beyond the Wall of Sleep, The Beast in the Cave. You begin to feel the horror seeping through.

Although a brilliant ideas man when it came to his writing, Lovecraft had some pretty unpleasant political views. You may not have known that so as a Lovecraft fan you may be interested in this little paperback you see in the photo.  

It is by Richard Lupoff and is called Lovecraft's Book: The Astounding Story of HP Lovecraft and the Nazi Connection.  It relates a difficult period in his life where he flirted with fascism. I won't give any more away.  Come in and buy the book and see what you think.


A real treat - 17th Nov 2016

Afternoon tea

One of our loyal regular customers came into the shop with a magnificent offering today.  She had popped into the Wolf at the Door cafe in Carroll Street (Dunedin) on the way here and had purchased the beautiful cinnamon scrolls you can see in the attached pictures. She generously donated them to the hardworking bookshop staff.

The staff discussed the merits of immediate consumption versus delayed gratification and, in the end, plumped for the latter. A great deal of willpower was required to hold off until 4pm for afternoon teatime but it was worth the wait!

We have now wolfed the lot so if you are on your way in to the bookshop to purchase some reading for the weekend, I'm afraid you have missed out on the cinnamon scrolls - but there are PLENTY of books to choose from.

A huge thank you for the lovely treat.


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