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Attention all budding writers - 9th Aug 2016

Begin at the beginning, go through to the end, then stop. (Lewis Carroll)

You want to write a novel but think you might need a bit more help than given above by Lewis Carroll.  You have an idea for writing about your life.  Perhaps the idea of a romance is germinating in your brain.  Maybe a bestseller or a potboiler is what you have in mind. You would like to write about travel. Whatever it is you plan to write, we have a marvellous selection of books to help you get started.

You can read about getting from the germ of an idea to the finished product.  You can learn about developing plot and characters.  Find out how to edit and proofread.  Get some practical advice on getting your project published.  Look for some hints on what to do when writer's block strikes.  

Get some clearcut examples of what works and what doesn't.  Try out some ideas on choosing a title.  Have a go at some of the invaluable exercises recommended in these books.  Who knows - with a little inspiration, insider insight, and your own creativity, you may be the next big thing.  

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - 8th Aug 2016

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams: his trilogy in five parts

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy / The Restaurant at the End of the Universe / Life, the Universe and Everything / So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish / Mostly Harmless

This hardcover edition includes all five parts of the Douglas Adams classic comedy science fiction 'trilogy', which is perfect whether you are a die-hard fan or whether you are reading it for the first time.  You will undoubtedly want to read all the books so you might as well have them in one volume.   You can immerse yourself in tales of Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Trillian, Marvin the Paranoid Android, and Zaphod Beeblebrox.

This was originally a BBC comedy radio series so once you've read this book, you can treat yourself to a date with the original broadcasts.  You could aim to become a Hitch Hiker's Guide bore!   

What on earth is it? - 5th Aug 2016

A delightful tea set? A charming sake server? A vehicle for warmed schnapps? A sambucca sipper? An unusual gift for that friend who has everything? You can decide what it is.  Please let us know what you settle on.

It's a delicate ensemble with glorious gold decorative markings and gold handles and edging. The porcelain has a delicately marbled sheen which is a lovely detail. The set comprises a serving platter, five cups, and the crowning glory of the elephant pot with attractive domed lid.  

Whatever it is, you've got to have it.  Pop on in to our Dunedin shop and buy it now.  Be quick as it will surely be snapped up in no time at all.  

The Miles Kelly Book of Lists (and answers to yesterday's quiz) - 4th Aug 2016

The Miles Kelly Book of Lists

This little book is a very useful item.  No household should be without one.  It's exactly what you need for so many things.  You can effortlessly organise fundraising quiz nights for months and months.  You can run team competitions in the classroom without the usual planning or preparation.  You can drive your friends and family to distraction for weeks on end.  You can make the average car journey really unendurable and ruin many a quiet family evening in front of the tele!

On the plus side, it's a very attractive little book and it really is packed with interesting facts and fascinating trivia.  It is a goldmine of information and is very easy to use.  You could while away many a happy hour just dipping into it.   

Answers: 1) Tatooine 2) 29 3) Gordon Sumner 4) Melbourne 5) Frank Bruno
6) Christian Science 7) Tiffany 8) Edouard Manet 9) Robert Kennedy 10) A parliament 

Facts, Statistics and Trivia - 3rd Aug 2016

The Miles Kelly Book of Lists See how you get on with these questions:

  1. What is the name of Luke Skywalker's home planet?
  2. How old was Marc Bolan when he died?
  3. What is the full name of Sting?
  4. What was the capital of Australia before Canberra?
  5. Whose autobiography is called 'From Hero to Zero"?
  6. What religion was founded by Mary Baker Eddy?
  7. What's Richard Gere's middle name?
  8. Who painted A Bar at the Folies Bergeres?
  9. Who did Sirhan Sirhan assassinate?
  10. What is the collective name for a group of owls?
You could spend hours on the internet finding out the answers.  You could buy a copy of the Miles Kelly Book of Lists.  Or you can wait until tomorrow for the answers.  

This book is stuffed full of fascinating lists of facts and statistics and trivia covering just about every subject imaginable from tv and film to sport and geography, and from the bizarre to the unimaginably dull.  

See you all tomorrow then.

Architecture - 2nd Aug 2016

Whether you're a Frank Lloyd Wright or an Arnold Newman fan or you need a book on designing public toilets, whether you're planning an extension to your own home or thinking of renovating an old New Zealand villa, whether you're a student of architectural history or writing a paper on 19th Century European architecture, whether you're converting or building from scratch, you can be pretty sure you'll find something of interest in our stock.  

We have books covering just about every aspect of architecture you can think of: from carved stone cathedrals, horizon-dominating skyscrapers, airy glass & steel work spaces, Hindu temples in glorious colour, geodesic domes, fabulous sports arenas to Gothic palaces and functional seats of government.  

If you haven't yet become a fan of architecture and architects, maybe now is a good time to start. The choice is limitless.

Crafts - 1st Aug 2016

There are so many different handcrafts to choose from that deciding what to try can be a bit bewildering.  However, the wonderful diversity on offer means that there is probably something for you whether you're a novice or a professional.

Think of sewing, knitting, embroidery, quilting, weaving, basketry, straw work or crochet and then consider all the different varieties within each of those fields and you could try a new handcraft every year without ever getting bored.  

Our books cover step-by-step instructions, planning, design, basic principles, colours, patterns, fabrics & materials, practical tips, helpful hints and a huge wealth of useful advice on every aspect of whichever craft you decide to have a go at.

Come in and browse our selection in the shop or have a look at our online stock and get knitting, weaving, sewing, embroidering, tatting or quilting today.  Don't delay or you won't get all your Christmas presents made in time!

Inventions from the Shed - 30th Jul 2016

Inventions from the Shed by Jim Hopkins and Julie Riley Inventions from the Shed by Jim Hopkins and Julie Riley

Do you think you possess the iconic Kiwi ingenuity? Whether you're a budding inventor looking for some inspiration or just enjoy stories of everyday New Zealanders creating something extraordinary, this book makes for an interesting read or a great bragging point to share with your overseas friends. 

It features more than 100 original inventions for farming, fishing, computers, transport, office work, building, parenting, extreme sports, everyday life and more - all designed and built by Kiwis in their own shed. 

Stop by for some ideas on your way to grab a piece of 4x2 and some number 8 wire and get inventing!

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